"I live like a rich spoiled brat... can't do that in RL!" - Entyce Goldlust, New Resident of SL
When you join Second Life and begin your new journey, it's often an overwhelming and addictive experience. SL Resident Entyce Goldlust shares her newbie experience with us.
Mistee Jaxxon: What first atrracted you to SL?
Entyce Goldlust: Well I joined on May 6, 2008. I guess that is my "Rez date" (the date you signed up to become a member, which is equivalent to your new birthdate). I came to SL because a friend of mine was up here for a while and he was always telling me about it but I would blow him off. LOL. Anyway he finally convinced me by telling me that there was a growing Black population on SL. He is white in RL (real life). He told me that he had run into Black people and they were cool. That intrigued me. So here I am.
Mistee Jaxxon: What have been your most amazing experiences?
Entyce Goldlust: OMG so many but I have to say that the most amazing was my first week on here! It was so crazy. My friend introduced me to a girl that takes picures on SL. Her prices were too much for a someone new to SL so she sent me to another photographer who is now my SL Dad. So in my first week I was adopted by my wonderful SL family. I have a sister LaLa, a Brother Lloyd and a Mom and Dad and a million aunts and a grandma too! It was great they just embraced me and made my first SL experience unforgettable.
Mistee Jaxxon: How did you choose your skin, your friends and your activities?
Entyce Goldlust: The friend that introduced me to SL, he took me around and showed me where to buy skin and hair and clothes and he gave me a crash course in SL nitelife which is what I do most of the time. LOL. He told me about all of the hottest clubs, he sent me the Landmarks. I learned so much in a small period of time. I was so lucky. He even helped me pick my name LOL. He left the game but he left me with a lot of knowledge and there is still so much to learn.
Mistee Jaxxon: What advice would you give to other newbies trying to become accustomed to SL?
Entyce Goldlust: I would say to be very outgoing and friendly. Don't be afraid to ask questions and well, it's all about getting a great skin and clothes. LOL. Make sure you decide if you will work or have a business so you will get that out of the way early. Also beware of unscrupulous contests and so called modeling groups that take your money. Make lots of friends (be choosey) and HAVE FUN!! I would also say if you are new to SL, look me up I'm newbie friendly!
Mistee Jaxxon: What is the biggest benefit of being in SL?
Entyce Goldlust: The people, the people and the people! They are great! Some of them are a little quirky but just like in real life you have to be careful. You learn a lot about business and you get to try your hand at being creative.
Mistee Jaxxon: How does SL affect your real life?
Entyce Goldlust: Well at first I didn't get any sleep. LOL! But I am learning how to manage my SL and RL.
Mistee Jaxxon: What is something that you do in SL that you can't do in real life?
Entyce Goldlust: OMG I just bought a piece of land that I named Entyce Isle and I am turning it into my little piece of paridise on SL. I rent a Beach house with 3 levels that I can change the texture of the walls, floors and windows whenever I want. I live like a rich spoiled brat... can't do that in RL! LOL!
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